In the panel titled "The importance of data for the protection of essential services and critical infrastructures from cyber attacks", included Stefano Sebastio (R&D Senior Manager, Collins Aerospace) to highlight the CERTIFY project's contributions to protecting critical infrastructure through research and development efforts. He outlined major accomplishments, such as new technologies developed, and lessons learned from the project. His insights would have included practical recommendations for enhancing cybersecurity in the aerospace sector and beyond

About Workshop Program

The 3-day event kicks off with opening remarks by professors, followed by a keynote on learning models for biomedical image analysis. Presentations on ITADATAhack and a panel discussion on data protection for essential services are included, alongside sessions focusing on dataspaces, large-scale data management, and network governance for autonomous mobility. There were some Achievements and Lessons learned from the CERTIFY project by Stefano Sebastio (R&D Senior Manager, Collins Aerospace).

Day two features a keynote on the future of European digital ecosystems and panels discussing European Data Spaces. Sessions include different tutorials and presentations on healthcare data, continual learning for road networks, parallel computing, and the impact of AI in cybersecurity and process monitoring.

The final day starts with sessions on data generation, healthcare applications, and a keynote on digital transition issues and opportunities. Other sessions address smart ecosystems, explainable AI, and data extraction. The event concludes with a keynote on causal AI, followed by closing remarks and a ceremony.

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