On Friday, November 11, 2022 LA VERDAD published a news article on the Certify project and its mechanism. LA VERDAD is a popular spanish language daily newspaper based in Murcia, Spain. It is the largest newspaper of the Murcia province. The article gives the details of project partners, objectives, and security assessment methodology. It is aligned with our commitment to disseminate CERTIFY project result using different mediums. Special thanks to University of Murcia for their effort.

Summary of the Article
The European project Certify (active security foR connecTed devIces lifecYcles) of the Horizon Europe call is lead by The University of Murcia. This project involves 13 partners from 8 countries. The project started on October 1 and will last 36 months. The main idea behind CERTIFY project is to define a methodological, technological and organizational approach for the management of the safety life cycle of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
The project, led by Professor Antonio Skarmeta, will provide all the agents involved in the design, use and management of IoT equipment with mechanisms that allow them to manage a high level of security in all phases of the life cycle of the IoT devices.
The main areas on which CERTIFY will work are:
- Continuous security assessment and monitoring
- Timely detection
- Mitigation and reconfiguration
- Secure update of IoT devices
- Continuous exchange of security information
Beyond Project Objectives
CERTIFY project work is also aligned with the new European NIS2 and previous NIS directives for security information exchange, and it have the aim of defining a European certification scheme championed by the CyberSecurity Act. The project started on October with a face-to-face meeting of the partners at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Murcia.