Certify at SESIP Seminar
Event and Format
On October, 10th, an event was organized in Barcelona, on the topic of Simplifying Security Evaluation in IoT. Format of the event was to have some welcome keynotes and then supported by other keynotes and panel discussion. This event was organized at Global Platform and experts from different industries took part to make it successful event.

Keynote And Panel Discussion
Roberto Cascella, Head of Sector at the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), spoke next to discuss the challenges of maintaining compliance and multiple certification requirements that vendors face. He explained how through maintaining a supply chain of trust based on composite component certification, enhanced efficiencies in device certification could be achieved.
The first panel of the day explored the opportunities for SESIP within European Cybersecurity. Moderating the session was GlobalPlatform Technical Director, Gil Bernabeu. He was joined by Miguel, Roberto and Sławomir as well as Samim Ahmadi (Vice Chairman, ETSI TC Cyber), John Boggie (Head of Cybersecurity Certification, Eurosmart), and Paul Watrobski (IT Specialist, National Institute of Standards and Technology). The group discussed how as the IoT device ecosystem expands, composition will play a leading role in building products that can meet nuanced security requirements, and the SESIP methodology in unifying security schemes and creating a standard that can work for everyone.
Certify Presentation
Additionally, Roberto Cascella from ECSO presented Certify at the event and highlighted some of these topics.
CERTIFY defines a methodological, technological, and organizational approach towards IoT security
lifecycle management based on
i. security by design support,
ii. continuous security assessment and monitoring
iii. timely detection, mitigation, and reconfiguration,
iv. secure IoT Over-The-Air (OTA) updating, and
v. continuous security information sharing.