Introductory Workshop with ORSHIN
Collaboration plays a strong role in growth of projects . On 23rd Feb 2023, we had an introductory call with ORSHIN and discussed potential collaborations and joint research workshops. In the call, both project coordinators exchanged the ideas, vision and technical details of the projects. Both research projects are EU funded which have partners from different countries in Europe. Special thanks to project coordinators Antonio Skarmeta and Barbara Gaggl from CERTIFY and ORSHIN respectively for establishing the connection.

Workshop Proceeding
It was an online event and there were 20 participants from both the partners. The workshop started with the introduction of participants. After that technical and scientific leads from ORSHIN Daniele Antonioli and Benedikt Gierlichs respectively presented project vision, work packages and involved technologies. It was followed by questions from CERTIFY project partners. Thereafter Antonio from CERTIFY presented the idea and approaches to secure IoT devices. Both project members had tech discussion on the approaches shared by project coordinators. The workshop ended with a plan to have further potential collaboration activities.

Next Steps
In the online workshop, both project partners shared their presentation, and talked about possibility to take part in upcoming research activities and events. Furthermore, CERTIFY project wants to take part in research conferences together with similar EU research projects where we can present and showcase the ideas of projects, organize online workshops, webinars and dissemination/exploitation activities. We are very excited about the collaboration.